Bacterial - enzimatic additive for biogas systems


ENZIMALL CH4 is a new formula specially for anaerobic digestion systems used both for the treatment of zootechnic sewage and for the stabilising of sludge obtained from the flotation of agro-zootechnic waste. ENZIMALL CH4 contains a particular blend of methanogenic or methanoproductive bacteria, and enzimes and nutrients capable of breaking down the complex molecules in sewage, with the formation of methane, carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen sulphide. ENZIMALL CH4 offers various advantages: 1-Production of energy; 2-Reduction of odours and pollutants; 3-Stabilisation of sewage: slows the processes of decomposition and fermentation with a consequential reduction in the production of unpleasant-smelling compost. 4-Reduction of the pathogenic load.

In order to guarantee the best results, it is advisable to keep the product far from sources of heat and humidity.

Use in waste with a pH between 5.5 and 9.5, and a temperature of between +5 and +45°C. Distribute the product evenly in the system to be treated, repeat the treatment regularly and divide the total daily dosage into at least three separate applications during the day. DOSAGE: Anaerobic digesters: INSEMINATION: dose between 50 and 150 g for every m3 of reactor volume to be treated. ACTIVATION: dose from 20 to 50 grams for every m3/day of incoming sewage for the first 6/10 days. MAINTENANCE: add a daily dose of between 1 to 3 g for every m3/day of incoming sewage.

Bucket of 25Kg

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